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Title: Episode 10: The Madz go on a tour

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Category: Crossover

Author: Dougbug322

Pikachu: I'm bored.
Charmander: We haven't been anywhere fun at all.
Chikorita: All we ever do is get mixed up in some sort of crazy adventure.
Meowth: The same things happen in every episode. The Raz shows up laughing, 
Horsea always dies, Homer eats Horsea, you name it.
Totodile: Hey, guys! I got an idea! Why don't we go on a tour?
Pikachu: A tour?
Chikorita: What gave you that idea?
Totodile: Why do you think the title's called "The Madz go on a tour"?
Charmander: That explains a lot.
Meowth: Exactly, what KIND of tour are we going on?
Totodile: Uh...........Good question.
Grimer: How about a tour 
Meowth: SPIT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grimer: I'm going back to the table of contents.
Chikorita: How about a tour through Team Rocket's hideout?
Everyone else: OKAY!
*while they were standing in line..*
Daffy: This is a long line.
Homer: I wish they were selling beer.
Bubbles: Team Rocket is so mean, I'm going to kick their booty wooties.
Charmander: I figured those guys were gonna come along.
*some other people were there, too.*
Piccolo: How come there are no nameks or saiyans here?
Hitmonlee: This gonna be fun tour.
Hitmonchan: I can't beleive I'm stuck in line with fools.
Meowth: Okay, who invited THOSE guys?
Homer: Well, hey. They looked sane.
Pikachu: Since when did you become sane?
Homer: There was that time when.......D'oh!
*the phone rings and homer answers it*
Homer: Hello?
The Raz(on the phone): Ha, ha, ha!
Tour person: Hello, I'm Butch from Team Rocket.
Meowth: Hey, I know that guy.
Butch: Okay, so we got 8 pokemon, 1 duck, 1 namek, 1 powerpuff girl, and 1 
uh..yellow person?! Anyway, this is a tour through Team Rocket headquarters. 
To our left is my pokemon cabinet where I keep all my 
Butch: And that concludes our tour. Feel free to look around.
*so they did*
Meowth: I'm gonna go find the boss.
Bubbles: I'm going too. I'm bringing this Horsea.
Horsea: Horrrrrrrrrsea.
Meowth: Anyone else goin'?
Charmander: I'll go.
Chikorita: Me too.
Daffy: Count me in.
Everyone else: Count us out.
Meowth: OKay, let's head out.
Meowth: What's in this door?
Tom Green: My bum is on the grouo. My bum is on the group.
Charmander: HIM again?
Meowth: Next door.
F.B.( the fat dude): Hey, a horsea. Come here, I'm gonna eat ya! I'm BIGGER 
than you, I'm high at the food chain! GET IN MY BELLY! C'mon!
Horsea: SEA!
Meowth: I thought we finally got rid of that guy!
F.B.: Guys. Lemme make you a deal, alright? I'll let ya have anything ya 
want! An' I'll get your horsea.
Bubbles: I want a stuffed pony!
Charmander: A can of jalepeno peppers.
Meowth: A ball of yarn.
Chikorita: Bottled water.
Daffy: I want it to be rabbit season!
Pikachu: Ketchup! Lots of it!!
Totodile: Fish.
Homer: Beer.
Homer: Shut UP, you little.........Mister, you got a deal!
*everyone got what they wanted*
F.B.: Now that everyone got what they wanted, it's dinner time!
*horsea got deep-fried and f.b. ate it. then, the door knocked and 
totodile opened it*
The Raz(at the door): Ha, ha, ha!
Meowth: Okay, let's go home.
Bubbles: I thought we were looking for the boss.
Meowth: Nah! We can do that some other time.
Everyone else: Okay.
To be continued...........................
Bubbles: I wonder how good that cute horsea tasted?